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d6 opens a forum dedicated to marketing in Algeria which aims to put Companies in interaction with their Customers in order to improve the relationship that unites them.


Two sections are open under the names:

- C9 which is the discussion platform for Consumers who want to address either other consumers or directly to companies to submit shopping experiences, desires, subjections, situations to be congratulated, to denounce and all other subjects that they find relevant to deal with. This forum does not have the ambition to be that of a consumer association to defend problems already in dispute between a person and a commercial entity, but rather to be a positive synergy between consumers and companies by sharing information for the sustainable and beneficial development of these relationships.

- E3 is the platform where Companies state their activities, provide information on points and more details, news, warnings, promotions, events and anything that may interest you about them. Certainly, we do not find all the companies, but we open the doors wide to those who have the desire to listen and the will to interact with their current and future customers.


Thus, d6 wants to be the hyphen between the Consumer and the Company.


Click on the button to join the forum
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